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Teacher Burnout

To experience a fully happy life, it’s important to have a career that you love. Currently, 55% of teachers report they will leave education earlier than they planned, and teacher shortages are making the situation even worse.

Teachers go into their profession out of a genuine desire to better the lives of the children, and are often self-motivated, big-hearted and enthusiastic. Unfortunately, the current state of education can leave teachers feeling discouraged, exhausted and burned out. 

After 16 years as a school social worker, I know the challenges teachers face each day. I don't believe that you should put your own needs aside "for the kids" at the risk of your own well-being. I can help you find balance in your current position and explore your options.

Areas we may focus on:

  • Setting healthy boundaries 
  • Communication & conflict resolution skills
  • Your skills or talents and how those align with careers
  • Higher educational requirements and opportunities
  • Daily working environments

If you followed your passion, but feel frustrated and overwhelmed, reach out today.

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