Life can be messy and out of balance. Let's find your new path together.

Do you find yourself thinking...

“This isn't how I imagined my life”

“No matter how hard I try, it’s never enough”

“How will I get through this?”

“Is there more for me?”

If so, you have found a place you can be honest without fear of judgment. Asking for help can be hard, so I'm glad you're here. 

When life doesn't feel right, you have a decision to make that feels overwhelming, or you feel your life shifting in a different direction, therapy can help you find your way. 

If you're ready to work towards a life you can be excited about, I'm ready when you are.
Contact me today and let's get started.


Starting therapy can feel scary, so let me try to ease your mind. My role as your therapist is not to “analyze” you. I am here to help you better understand yourself, your strengths and what might be holding you back. Our time together should feel like a break from the noise of life, a time for you to just be yourself. You can share as much or as little as you want, and I never push clients to go where they aren’t ready to go. The focus and pace of therapy is up to you! 

Over 20 years ago, I earned a Psychology degree from Indiana University Kokomo and went to work in the field right away. A few years later, I went on to earn a Masters in Social Work from Andrews University. After 2 years under direct supervision, I became a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. For 16 years, I worked as a school social worker and gained many skills and a deep respect for educators. The past 5 years, I have also been here, at The Good Life, located on beautiful Lake Manitou. 

Let's connect online and get started!